There are some things in life that are just too priceless not to pass along to others. This The Numinous 1 is one of them. Go there, check it out, and discover how witty a woman can really be. She is truly larger than life in her candor. I can't say anything else but...she rocks!
Hey there, I like your blog. I just wanted to say regarding this post that while Livia is truly brilliant, witty, and a joy to know, and I adore her like a sister...she's really not one of us big girls. I'd say curvaceous...maybe a Megan Mullaly or a Katharine Zeta-Jones type. Not that I hold it against her! But the only way she could be considered large by anyone not conditioned to believe Paris Hilton is a normal weight, is in her magnificent personality.
But smart, funny, and able to kick ass six ways before breakfast? Oh, yeah.
Thank you copperwise, for pointing that out for me. I have edited my post to more accurately convey this awesome chica.
I hope you hang out and enjoy.
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