Tuesday, August 16, 2005


There are some things in life that are just too priceless not to pass along to others. This The Numinous 1 is one of them. Go there, check it out, and discover how witty a woman can really be. She is truly larger than life in her candor. I can't say anything else but...she rocks!


Anonymous said...

Hey there, I like your blog. I just wanted to say regarding this post that while Livia is truly brilliant, witty, and a joy to know, and I adore her like a sister...she's really not one of us big girls. I'd say curvaceous...maybe a Megan Mullaly or a Katharine Zeta-Jones type. Not that I hold it against her! But the only way she could be considered large by anyone not conditioned to believe Paris Hilton is a normal weight, is in her magnificent personality.

But smart, funny, and able to kick ass six ways before breakfast? Oh, yeah.

Kelly said...

Thank you copperwise, for pointing that out for me. I have edited my post to more accurately convey this awesome chica.

I hope you hang out and enjoy.